Republic Day Recipe: Make tricolor rice on Republic Day, children will also like the taste, prepare with simple recipe

Republic Day Recipe: Make tricolor rice on Republic Day, children will also like the taste, prepare with simple recipe


Tricolor Rice can be made to celebrate Republic Day.
Tomato, cream and spinach are used to give tricolor color to the rice.

Tri Color Rice Recipe: Republic Day is a proud day for all of us Indians. To make this special occasion even more special, you can try the recipe of tricolor rice. Tiranga Rice is a great option for lunch or dinner. Tomato, cream and spinach are also used to make tricolor rice. Apart from being tasty, tricolor rice is also a healthy food dish. It can be served with lentils or vegetables. When tricolor rice comes in your plate, you will feel a special feeling on Republic Day.

Tricolor Rice is an easy food recipe. To make this rice is given three colors saffron, white and green. If you also want to make tricolor rice on this Republic Day, then you can prepare it very easily with the help of our mentioned recipe. Let’s know the recipe for making tricolor rice.

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Ingredients to make Tiranga Rice
Rice – 2 cups
Spinach paste – 1 cup
Tomato paste – 1 cup
Cream – 1 cup
Desi ghee – 2-3 tbsp
salt – as per taste

Tricolor Rice Recipe
To make tricolor rice, first clean the rice and then wash them two-three times with water. After this, cook the rice with the help of a cooker or by putting it in a pot. When the rice is cooked, leave it to cool down for some time. Meanwhile, make a paste by grinding cream to white color, tomatoes in the mixer which will act as saffron color. Then make a paste of spinach which will help in giving green color to the rice.

When the cooked rice cools down, divide it into three equal parts. After this, put 1 spoon of ghee in a pan and heat it on medium flame. When the ghee melts, add tomato paste and fry it. Then put a portion of rice in it and cook while mixing. If you want, you can also add a little orange food color to the rice, which will enhance the color of the rice. After the rice is cooked, take it out in a bowl.

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After this, repeating the same process, first fry the cream and prepare white rice from it, and then add spinach paste to the frying pan and cook green rice from it. Now take a plate and first put the cooked saffron rice in it. After that decorate white rice in the middle and then green colored rice below it. In this way, your taste-rich tricolor rice is ready. Serve them hot only.

Tags: food, Food Recipe, Lifestyle, republic day

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